About Claire Suellentrop

Claire helps B2B and B2C SaaS companies like Wistia, FullStory, Edgar, and Death to the Stock Photo get out of the “echo chamber” and inside their best customers’ heads. She’s spoken internationally about the impact of customer research, and her methods have generated record-breaking email open rates, click-through rates, and new user signups.

She loves helping teams develop greater empathy for their customers, and find marketing messages that create stronger connections (aka: higher conversions). She’s also the co-founder of Forget The Funnel: free workshops and paid training to help SaaS marketers be amazing at their jobs.

In her Learn Inbound talk, Claire discusses how marketing best practices teach us to segment our customers based on their personas: e.g., Sally is 35, works in corporate HR, drives a Honda, loves her two kids. But this approach misses the mark: it fails to reveal your customers’ true motivations. Why did they buy from you? Why do they use your product?  In this session, Claire explores how these details are the fuel you need to run more relevant, high-converting marketing campaigns.