About Mackenzie Fogelson

Mackenzie Fogelson — “Mack” to those in the know — is a writer, speaker, and the Founder and CEO of Genuinely, a digital strategy company. Mack has been a featured speaker at top industry conferences such as MozCon and SearchLove. She helps companies build meaningful brands that care as much about their customers as they do about their profits. She lives in Colorado with her husband, Jon, and is rapidly funding her kids’ college education with a 25-cents-per-swear jar.

In her Learn Inbound talk, Mack will talk about how purpose is the connective tissue for the many things that organizations desire to achieve: industry-leading strategy and innovation; competitive advantage; operational agility and efficiency; greater market share; a more diverse and satisfied workforce; customer trust, advocacy, loyalty, and word-of-mouth; stronger strategic partnerships; and, of course, profit.

The day-to-day of living your purpose is bringing self-managed ways of working alive in your organization.

Key Takeaways