Need some fresh content ideas today? What if you could have a set of strategies that work every time? This would save your neck whenever you’re scraping together for blog topic ideas at crunch time.

Retaining a creative spark isn’t easy when you need to keep the ideas coming. And yet, you need consistency. It’s the only infallible way to rise above the digital noise.

In a world where 2.5 million blog posts are published every day, consistency in blogging is a must. It adds authority to your blog, boosts your SERP rankings and helps establish your brand.

So next time you can’t think of anything new for your blog, try these 5 savvy strategies to get quick content ideas.

1. Use All the Resources At Hand

Since blogging is a matter of consistency, your resources are scarce. That’s why you should make sure to exploit any available sources for your potential blog ideas.

Remember, you want to go where your readers go and pursue sources your readers pursue. Otherwise, your audience won’t give two cents about what you write.

“It’s important to follow the news, issues, trends and research that affect your industry or niche. Such information undoubtedly affects your audience, their business, as well as your own business.”

Source: Content Marketing Institute

You won’t achieve gains in organic sales from Google until you start writing content that resonates with your readers.

Address those issues that affect your audience and you’re on the right track.

But, where to find your content ideas? Here are a few go-to sources:

2. Use Quora to Find Blog Topic Ideas

You can also rely on Quora to help you with your content planning. It’s a goldmine of reader-specific information. A Q&A website that features user-generated content on popular and less popular topics.

You can expect encouraging content marketing results only if you provide relevant content. Once you know what that is you need to keep doing it.

This is where you can begin to see a snowball effect with your content strategy. Especially because writing “People also ask” articles has a joined SEO effect as well.

So, use Quora to look up some common questions your target audience is asking. Then create data-driven copy that answers those questions. Easy.

Pro Tip: Want to find only the most relevant and most popular topics on Quora? Do a little bit of question analysis.

Here’s how you do it.

Quora, Blog Topic Ideas


Search for your target keyword in Quora. Then choose a question and quickly analyse the page.

What you’ll see is:

These parameters will show whether the topic is relevant to your audience and to what degree. If you decide the question is not up to the mark, repeat this test with other related questions.

But let’s look at the Question Stats now.

Quora, question stats


Here’s where you look at the ratio of views versus followers. This ratio will tell you which questions are in the highest demand.

The “Last Followed data” will tell you whether a question is still sought after by your audience. In other words, whether it’s worthwhile to pick it up as your blog topic or not.

You can also earn yourself a quality backlink if you answer a question in Quora and then link out to your blog post.

3. Talk About Creative Ways Your Product Can Be Used

After you’ve written 100+ articles on topics that relate to your product or service, you’ll want to call it quits. Let’s take a real estate blog as an example. You can’t keep writing about “why real estate is the best investment” for days on end, right?

So, here’s what you can do to spice it up a bit. 

Try to find a unique take on the product you’re selling. It can be a fun or unconventional way to use it.

Let’s say you’re selling Android phones. You can write about alternative uses of discarded phones, for example. Any tech geek would love to learn they can use their outdated gadget as a baby monitor or a video doorbell.

Similarly, if you’re selling boxed cake you can collate a list of fun delicacies that can be made using the product.

4. Give Your Readers What They Want

Keyword research is a content marketer’s staple. You can use it to:

For the purpose of this article, we’ll stick to the last use of it – content ideation. 

Let’s say you’re running a tech blog and one of your topics is kitchen appliances. Your target audience will likely want to read product reviews and comparison articles. But, how do you figure out which topics are trending?

Let’s head over to Ubersugest to find out. Pick any two similar products on your category pages and enter the keyword into Ubersuggest.

For example, nutribullet vs. magic bullet. 



You can immediately get an idea about what answers people are seeking.

But to get even more details, type your keyword into the Soovle Keyword Tool.

Soovle Keyword Tool


There are a few categories the tool brings to your attention. Once you identify them, you can create content pieces that address those issues.

In our example, here are some issues consumers are interested in:

With this in mind, you can decide to create a cluster of blog ideas around this topic, knowing your audience will be eager to read it. And this means more search engine traffic for you!

5. Use the Lateral Thinking Strategy

When we get stuck, it often happens because we treat our topic in a straightforward fashion. A slight change of approach is where the magic happens (and where your creative anguish ends).

Lateral thinking involves approaching a problem in an indirect, creative way. It’s looking for less conspicuous links between different concepts that tie in together.

This method can give you a plethora of tangential content ideas that are fun to read. And yes, even if you’re writing on a topic of toilet fixtures.

So, instead of writing another article about how to keep toilets clean, try exploring some ideas that don’t immediately pop to mind, but are still (at least remotely connected to your topic).

Here are some possible content ideas you can explore.

And then there’s design. Your options are endless here. Your blog can feature a list of DIY bathroom ideas. Or it can talk on topics aimed at different audiences, from eco to price-conscious to upscale consumers.

Mind Map Example


Over to You

Anyone who’s ever had to churn out content ideas knows how arduous this process can be. And while your content calendar can’t wait, your brain will sometimes refuse to cooperate.

Use the 5 savvy strategies above to get quick content ideas when you need them most. Tread the path many marketers have trodden as they strive to achieve their content marketing goals. Once you choose the right trajectory for growing your brand, the desired results will follow.